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Exhibiting isn't rocket science, but if you aren't sure how to succeed (yet), you aren't alone... get direct answers to popular exhibiting questions via email every other week.
40 UNDER 40
...their success is your success, right?
Because the majority of exhibitors are "new" in one way or another AND because the right exhibiting strategies aren't often taught in school (or, frankly, elsewhere), today's exhibitors are largely unprepared to maximize their trade show participation.
Fortunately, they have you (and us) to help them overcome common challenges like limited resources, getting stuck in typical routines, feeling overwhelmed, and more.
* The big orange button above takes you to a page full of free webinar recordings - these short sessions provide insights and advice so that organizers can better serve their exhibitors... and so that exhibitors can better serve themselves.
...but, together, we will find a way to address your exhibitors' unique needs.
Some organizers pay for "traditional exhibitor education" and discover that it doesn't resonate with their exhibitors as much as they'd like.
Other organizers try to help as much as they can on their own, but soon realize their exhibitors need much more than the quick tips and logistics instructions they can easily provide in their free time.
Robyn has been working with exhibitors for 15+ years. She has earned certifications in talent development (training) and exhibition management... not to mention a degree in aerospace engineering... so, figuring out better ways to solve problems (like empowering exhibitors) isn't just work; for us, it's fun!
Some of our current favorite services include:
* When we connect, be sure to ask which services we're "testing" right now - if any are a fit for your show, you can enjoy a special cost savings for giving us the space to innovate!
"Robyn Davis is a visionary... She is innovative and original in her ideas, and brings new concepts to our exhibitors through her instruction and guidance."
- Aleigha Frazier of OTC/SPE
"Robyn really is an expert in this field - in the ability to train exhibitors in a way that's fun and engaging... and I see that "aha moment" that they're having when she's speaking."
- Cortney Whitlow of ASAE
(read more reviews on LinkedIn)
In most cases, our new client selection/on-boarding process follows this simple four-step process:
1: Introductions
In a quick call and/or series of emails, you'll explain your current situation (re: your exhibitors, attendees, and show overall).
We'll listen, ask questions, and review any information you're comfortable providing up front, like your recent show surveys or other relevant data/feedback.
If both parties agree, we'll move forward together.
2: Brainstorming
We'll suggest some services that may be a good fit for you, based on our previous discussion/research and your budget.*
You'll discuss this with your team and report back with your initial impressions, along with any other ideas.
Then, if both parties agree, we'll work together to design a special exhibitor success programming package that fits your needs.
3: Agreement
We'll prepare an agreement and invoice for your team to process.
Once those are signed and paid, our engagement will be "officially confirmed" and our real work together can begin.
* It's not uncommon for the organizers we work with to begin without a firm budget in mind... but, most shows end up investing $20-40K in their first package.
4: Programming
You'll invite your exhibitors to participate in our exhibitor success programming utilizing the email text, registration forms, etc. that we'll prepare for you.
We'll continue asking questions and reviewing additional resources as we create the content, host/present the session(s), process any recordings, collect feedback, and download reports.
** Potential sticking points (a few things we do differently from other exhibitor success providers):
1. In order to provide more value (and, yes, to enjoy our work more), almost all of our content is delivered in real time, with or without a recording for sharing later. If you'd prefer pre-recorded/static content, please check out the 100+ articles Robyn has published on LinkedIn to help exhibitors; you're welcome to share those, for free, with proper credit (i.e. link to an article from your website or email). You're also welcome to invite your exhibitors to join our new newsletter (it's free too) so they can get our answers to questions from other real life exhibitors via email.
2. In almost all cases, we prefer for our content to be "exclusively available" to your exhibitors (as a special "perk" that you're providing just to them). That means any actual content or recording access (where applicable) may only be shared with exhibitors via email or within their password-protected dashboard/portal, not posted publicly on your show's website.
3. Most of the sessions we present/facilitate are dynamic, so we'll be adjusting slides, etc. up until the very last moment to ensure all of your exhibitor questions/needs are incorporated (we often ask for questions in registration... and registration typically isn't "closed" until we're about to begin). If you'll need to review or "approve" content/slides in advance, our Q+A Webinars, Idea Swaps, and other sessions won't be a good fit.
Although our founder, Robyn, got her start in this industry "standing and smiling" in individual exhibitors' booths, we don't work with individual exhibitors directly anymore (sorry).
That said, you can still get (some of) the expert advice you need when you choose to:
(it's not you, it's us... seriously... our goal is to make the biggest possible impact on as many exhibitors as we can and we just don't have the bandwidth to negotiate/manage all of the paperwork required to support individual exhibitors directly. Hopefully, you can benefit from the almost always free resources listed above instead!) | (614) 657-7412
Exhibitors WINH © 2025
Accessibility Statement: We are doing our best to make this website and the opportunities listed above accessible for you. After testing, we have not identified any WCAG errors or other accessibility issues; but, if you catch something we missed, we want to make that right. Please email us at or call/text us at 614-657-7412 with any questions, concerns, or other accessibility requests so that we can continue to improve our programs for you and others.